A robust 1 player starter ready to play a game of First Blood or The Last Argument of Kings. This Spires set is loaded with a complete stand of 12 Bound Clones, Marksman Clones and Vanguard Clones...
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Brute Regiment● Class: Medium● Type: Brute
LOOMING almost twice the height of man, these lumbering monstrosities bear little resemblance to the men...
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Restricted Infantry● Class: Medium● Type: Infantry
Nowhere in the society of the City States is their ambivalent relationship with the Bred more ev...
In Game Role
Battlefield Role: Character
Class: Medium
The Eidolon are everything that the Inquisitors are not. Unlike those twisted crude vessels, an Eidolon represents the pi...
Release Date
November 17th, 2023
Card Types
Card Types:1 Type (1 Reissue card)
1 Supply Gift Set contains:・1 Large Storage Box ・1 Rubber Playmat・1 Set of Fighter's Coin ・3 Sets o...
Rise of the Floodborn Sealed
Release Date:
As an Illumineer, you'll wield six magical inks to summon glimmers of Disney characters. Glimmers can appear as familiar friends ...